

Hi. I'm Nick and I'm the face of KuhleFit Holistic Lifestyle Coaching. I'm a certified Chek - Holistic Lifestyle Coach and Exercise Coach.  It is my mission as a health and fitness coach to teach my clients the skills necessary to create health in oneself, to foster self-awareness, and to become self-reliant so they can walk away with the ability to heal themselves and anyone close to them!


It is my true belief that nearly all seemingly unrelated nagging pains/ailments that individuals experience on a typical day are NOT normal and will subside and go away if you create the optimal environment for the body to flourish. I refuse to fall into the belief that our current definition of medical help is to prescribe drugs to fix symptoms is of any help to the general population. Our bodies are so unique and complex, evolving over thousands of years, that we have built-in checks and balance systems. Your body is consistently sending you signals and if you can interpret and become aware of these signals – they’ll guide you to vitality!

** I do not treat the disease a person has. I coach that ill person to create health! **

Everything in life is disposable nowadays, everything except your body. This is the one piece of equipment that if you treat poorly now you’ll reap the consequences in the future. So I ask you, as I did myself. What’s your health worth to you?

My Start

Step 1

When traditional medicine only wanted to prescribed medication to fix my hormone and digestive issues, I knew I had to solve it myself - which is what I did!


Step 1

1. Master Chek Practitioner

2. FDN - Practitioner (Order + Interpret Labs)

3. Master's Degree in Exercise Science

4. Performance Enhancement Specialist

5. Movement and Mobility Certified

6. Performance Enhancement Specialist

This Work Chose Me

Step 1

During my mid 20's when I came face-to-face with the severity of the negligence of my health. Consuming large quantities of processed foods, staying out late, and eating what I believed to be healthy, and a poor relationship -- led me vastly astray. This blessing in disguise led to become a Holistic Health Coach to change the health and vitality of all my clients!



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@Nick Kuhle - Facebook

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